FinX Newsletter/Trading Room
SmarterTrading411 Options Trading Podcast
Daily Plan 04.04.24

Daily Plan 04.04.24

Okay, just something to consider and something to keep an eye on, okay?

Let's get going.

4/4. April. April, April, April.

Stocks go up, stocks go down, then we see…

$SPX was up. What, 17? Did it get better? Yeah, its up 19. So I add 19 to this, you're at 5230? 5252, 5272, break up, 5300. If the Jobs are just perfect, Goldilocks, then we see…

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One other thing. What Powell and them don't understand, okay? You have 5 million more people coming into the country, illegally, whatever. But they're all working. They're all trying to work. They're trying to do some stuff, okay? They're trying to make money. So you're gonna get jobs creation and all this stuff, okay? The economy is going to stay strong. The world is different.

The problem with books, and I tell you why to burn books, okay? If your book is 10 years old, go burn it. Because the world is different. The pandemic changed the world. You can't, if you, say, you looked at the 10D moving average, or you looked at overbought/pversold, you can't do that anymore. Every year, something changes. So you have to change and adapt.

Here goes $SMCI. Here comes $NVDA.

So just understand this, okay? When things change, the world changes, you have to adapt. If you don't adapt, you get worse, okay? And don't fall in love with people telling you stuff that doesn't make any sense.

Take everything down, and this is what Sam teaches. Break it down to the simplest thing. You don't need to say, well, if the $VIX goes up here, and this happens here, and this happens, and these eight events happen, I'm ready. Break it down to one simple thing. And watch that, and you will become better. Okay? It's not rocket science, okay? It's just getting smarter.

$AVGO. Set up very nice. If it can get through $1406, this can test high of year. Jesus. Sam, this thing can run. It's really set, it can very easily be 1400 in the first 15 minutes. And then we see, then we see, then we see. Okay? Downside, $1352. It's ready.

$NVDA, $903, $906, $909, $916, $922. A lot of numbers, okay?

$ASML. Trying to go, trying to go. Isn't it interesting? We bought the $1200, what, four weeks ago at four. It got to 5.70. We sold them for earnings at 4.30, so we made profit on them. Just because it was too far away. It was too far away. And now we got back in at the $1100 at 8. And I think, so, from my pricing, because Sam knows pricing, if $ASML gets to 1020, they're going to be 16. So you catch a double at 1020. 80 points out of the money, you'll be a double. Interesting. So if it were to pop today to 1000 and get to 1020, those go to 16 for me. And you trade them.

$LRCX, $990, $1006, $1009.

$VKTX, still nothing happening on this one. It's trying. When does the buyout come?

$LLY, there's a shortage. If everybody wants it, where does it go? If it can get to $794, it can go to $809.

$PANW, working lower, working lower. So here's the thing. So he told you the customer was fatigued, right? Everybody else told you cybersecurity was great. This thing was at $350. Does he come out and say, okay, we fixed it in one quarter? Very interesting. If you believe that, then the $320s for earnings become intriguing, 50 points up. And I haven't looked at them yet, but if you can get them at a dollar, it becomes interesting. So if it goes back to high, you got a $1-$20. Not saying it's going to happen, just something to look at, okay?

$GOOGL, going to offer a power search for a fee. Interesting.

$AMD, $186, $192.

$CRWD, $331, very hard.

$ARM, can't bust. $144 up, $119 down.

$GS, $422 up, $409 down.

$MSTR, $1709 is an interesting number. Then you got $1800, and then you got $2000.

$COIN is running $266, $288.

$META is flying $522, $523, $531. If this rumor is true, that he wants to buy TikTok, isn't that intriguing? Intriguing.

$NASDAQ, I think NASDAQ can get high of year. $18,400 on queue.

$SMCI, $1072, big number. Can he close over $1072? Can pop this to high of year? Two possible events on $SMCI. Two times out of the last three quarters, they preannounced. So, they do it again, maybe, in the next two weeks, if it's going to happen. If it does, if they preannounce up and or, and or, they split, $1200 possible. If they don't preannounce, does that tell you that it's not way better? Kind of interesting, so keep an eye on that.

$NOW, $772, $791, $814.

$MSFT, no man's land, not moving.

$TSLA, we'd love Tesla get to $180, $185, $190. We buy puts.

Everybody have a great, great trading day. See you in chat.


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FinX Newsletter/Trading Room
SmarterTrading411 Options Trading Podcast
We ride this Wall Street fraud ponzi together. Both long and short side. No bias. Both ways can go. That is the only reason it hits so hard tho…..riding it together. 📐
That is that high I am talking about. 🌹 $SPY $SPX $ES_F