FinX Newsletter/Trading Room
SmarterTrading411 Options Trading Podcast
Weekly Plan 05.06.24

Weekly Plan 05.06.24

Alright, Good morning everyone

Let's kick things off. 5/6

Stocks were up, stocks went down. SPY 0.00%↑ is up about 20. We've got $5147, $5152, $5191. On the downside, $5100, $5052, big numbers.


Much love. ❤️ - AYNI 

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AVGO 0.00%↑ $1309, $1321.

NVDA 0.00%↑ $900 round number, $909, $921, $881.

LRCX 0.00%↑ $921, $952.

BKNG 0.00%↑ $1700 round number, $1752.

ZS 0.00%↑ at $181, don't overpay for ZScaler, okay? Don't do it. Don't overpay for it. Nobody says you can't buy it. There's a lot over it, whatever. Don't overpay for it. It's ludicrous pricing. Ludicrous price. Okay? Hold on, let me get the best screen. Over here, guys, the best earning site is Earnings Whispers. And, like, if you use it, Earnings Whispers, you need to check for the checkmark. If there's not a checkmark, that means it's not real, it's not even coming up here. So, who knows what's going on here? Yeah, that one came up. So, Earnings Whispers, that's coming up. I'm just going to try and tell you what they're expecting on earnings, so don't look. For some reason, it does that. It is what it is, but that's fine.

UPST 0.00%↑ $26, $31.

PANW 0.00%↑ $309-$322, underneath $281,

CRWD 0.00%↑ $321. Crowdstrike got an exclusive with AMZN 0.00%↑ , very interesting. No understanding what's real. Why is Earnings Whispers not coming up here? Interesting. Write down the code, this one. Zscaler are supposed to earn minus 24 cents. Now, if it were to come in at, like, 30 cents positive, then that would be positive. Okay? So, keep an eye on it. But a company that's supposed to lose money trading at $200, really? I mean, that's not the market you're in. You're not in the market where they can buy everything, okay? So, understand that.

CVNA 0.00%↑ $123-$131,

ARM 0.00%↑ $106-$109, $122-$142,

GS 0.00%↑ breaking out $441-$452.

MSTR 0.00%↑ $1500 is a big number, it's hard.

COIN 0.00%↑ $133, $233-$251. We'll probably wait for near $240 to get into this thing to see if it's real.

META 0.00%↑ doing nothing. It's No Man's Land going on three weeks. It doesn't move for four to six weeks. It just doesn't. Okay?

SMCI 0.00%↑ doesn't do anything. It doesn't really move. It was at $870. It's still $790. It doesn't go to $900. Now, if you go look at the thousand calls for three months out forward, they're like $70. Like, it's gonna go that. Then we'll see.

NOW 0.00%↑ in No Man's Land can't get through $791.

TSLA 0.00%↑ all about $198. That's what we know. That's what we know.

AFRM 0.00%↑ don't really like Affirm. There's new solutions coming out. So, keep an eye on that.

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That's what we know. That's what we know.

So, interesting day, interesting week. Chill and relax. And then we see, and then we see, and then we see.

Everybody have a great, great day. See you in chat.

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FinX Newsletter/Trading Room
SmarterTrading411 Options Trading Podcast
We ride this Wall Street fraud ponzi together. Both long and short side. No bias. Both ways can go. That is the only reason it hits so hard tho…..riding it together. 📐
That is that high I am talking about. 🌹 $SPY $SPX $ES_F