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SmarterTrading411 Morning Call (FREE)

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SmarterTrading411 Morning Call (FREE)

Weekly Plan 05.03.2024

Okay, good morning, good morning, morning.

Stocks go up, stocks go down. Computer rebooting. Microsoft ($MSFT) does shit when you shut it off. So, okay, interesting, interesting.


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Insane, insane day. Friday was just beautiful, and then a reversal, even more beautiful. And then we loaded Gamestop ($GME), and that's going to be... that's a one to 20. A one to 20! Who does that? Who does that? Oh, Sam, you did 19 to 220, then you did 9 to 60 on NASDAQ, and we have Nvidia ($NVDA), and Nvidia is going nuts. Nvidia can hit 1,200, it may hit 1,300. They already put out the next chip, the next chip, and the next chip, Rubin I believe it is. I mean these 1150s may go to 50, but if it takes out 1100, does it go to 100? Now SuperMicro ($SMCI) is talking about liquid cooling, increasing from 10% to 40%, so Vertiv ($VRT) can go nuts.

And $GME, where does it go if this is real? This should hit 81 and 100 if this is real. Now, I don't care if it's real. Now people say, "Sam, you've been pounding $GME, saying it's not real." It doesn't matter, did we buy it? We have opinions in life, and we buy things in life, and we trade based on opportunities to make money. So, how would you not be in $GME if you have a $1,000 account? Why wouldn't you have put $100 in $GME? If you have a $50,000 account, why wouldn't you put $200 in $GME? Because if it's real and if it hits, it goes to 100. I mean, this is trading, guys, this is not being silly of, "Oh, Sam doesn't think it's real." Exactly, I didn't think it was real, and it came down from 80, but that's okay, so what?

And let's say last week, we had some $GME contracts that expired, and so you lose a point, so what? Now you're going to make 20, and if it really takes off, are we going to make 100?

TRADING101: Nvidia ($NVDA). If the down was real and it was really a selloff, Nvidia should have broken.

Now, Friday, I gave you something. I rarely give you this, but this is Godlike. This is what makes Sam Sam, and there's nobody in the world that compares. I told you Nvidia ($NVDA) was right here, it was 1131. I said if Nvidia breaks 1119, huge short, and if it breaks 1142, huge long. I'm going to tell you the same thing today. I'm going to tell you the same thing today. If Nvidia ($NVDA) takes out 1142, it's got 1166, but if 1166 breaks, it's got 1,200.

And, you know, there are certain things Sam says that are very interesting. During the day, I said, "Well, no compelling reason to get back into Nvidia," but the market was down 40 handles.

And how exact are Sam's numbers? I mean, nobody in the world has this stuff, guys, nobody has this. $SPX 5191, and then we popped to 5209. We hit 5191, we hit $SPX 1-5 but it popped over 5209. We hit $SPX 5209, so then it looked like it was going to come back down, and it didn't come down, so it went up. So now think about these fools that are telling you every day $SPX is going to go to 3300, 3500. I mean, these are morons, they're complete idiots. How can you get $SPX 3300 before you can even get $SPX 5000? You can't even get $SPX 5000, and they're predicting 3300. Guys, block these guys, I mean, they're dumb as shit. Don't follow dumb people, okay? Don't do it. You will fail. We're here to make money, we're here to trade up and trade down.

I really don't think anybody is here to make 5% on their account. If you're here to make 5% on your account, rethink why. Why is that, Sam? Because 5%... 5% guys, I mean, this is really interesting. You can get 5.2% at or any of these places. Just go get your 5% there. Why are you going to trade? It doesn't make any sense.

$MDB: We sold $MDB. Guys, messages that make me scream. Watch my video. "Okay Sam, $MDB's market just dropped another 20. $MDB didn't go lower." I'm like, "It's down 85 points! It's down 85 points, it didn't go lower?" Sam, it didn't go low. What the hell is that? You think every stock is just going to go down all the way to zero in one day? Look, $MDB is shit, they're trading at a 200 PE still. Over time it will go lower, but the market is way up today, they're buying NASDAQ, so it's going to go up, but then when it goes back down, it'll head back lower, that's it.

Salesforce ($CRM): We sold $CRM. How many winners? Nonstop winner after winner after winner. Last week, and this week. If you lose money, if you have $GME and you have Nvidia ($NVDA), and you lose money this week, you need to reevaluate. I mean, $GME is going to be 20. They may go to 30 today, one to 30. Even if you just bought one contract, that's $3,000. How can you go negative this week? That means you're lying to yourself. Don't do that.

Okay, now let me tell you one other thing. I got one other message that kind of irritated me because it tells me people are lazy and they don't watch the video. "Sam, $ARM went down." I'm confused. I'm like, "You didn't sell ARM? I made $163,000 and I decided to hold ARM. We netted $400,000 this week and you didn't give an update on ARM?" I gave you an update on ARM. I said .80 to 3.50, manage account. .80 to 3.50, manage account. .80 to 2.50, manage account. And I said it 20 times. I said it 20 times. Why wouldn't you sell it at 80 cents?

Friday, we bought $AMD, 33 cents to 2.60. 33 cents to 260. Did you sell it? No. I didn't sell mine. Why didn't you sell it, Sam? Because I'm waiting to see if it goes to 20, or I don't care, it was a lotto. I was already up $400,000. Now, if you didn't make $400,000, then you should have sold it. You should have sold it. This is not about Sam's account, this is about your account. And you will fail if you think you can trade like Sam. You can't. You can trade off Sam's information and build your account. Build your account slowly and then you can do great. You can't trade like anybody. You have zero chance to trade like your wife. Your wife can be sitting next to you and you can't trade like her. You just can't. It doesn't work that way. NO TWO ACCOUNTS ARE THE SAME.

Okay, interesting, interesting, interesting. And then we see, then we see, then we see.

Grand Slam after Grand Slam. And now, where does $GME go? I don't know, but here's the thing I know. He posted his position. Now, we don't know if it's a real position or not. I don't really care. All I care is if he comes out there tomorrow and says he sold a bunch of it, $GME is going to collapse, and your one to 20 is going to go to one. It's going to go to shit. But if he doesn't trade any today or tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day, it's going to go to 100. Very straightforward. Take your pick.

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To become great, the first thing you have to do is not lie to yourself. The second thing you have to do is trade your account and learn how to make $100 before you make $1,000. People, the super successful people, 90% of super successful people, they don't bitch and complain. They trade, and they go make their money, and they sell, and they say, "Oh, I didn't get Sam's 19 to 220." That's up to you if you held it. So, why did Sam not sell? I'm going to tell you the reality. Why did Sam not sell his $AMD 33 cents to 2? And why didn't he sell his ARM? Because he made $163,000 to start the day. He sold it in the first five minutes. I'm up $163,000, so I don't care if I lose 10. That's me. Now, you may not. And so I took some shots, and it worked out even better with NASDAQ and everything. $SPX puts one to five. How could you not have sold one to five? Said nice. You have the opportunity here that nobody gives you. I give you huge, huge, huge opportunities of where things can go, and then you have to decide where you want to sell it. If you want to sell it, you expect zero and you can do great. Okay, that's what we know. That's what we know.

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SmarterTrading411 Options Trading Podcast
We ride this Wall Street fraud ponzi together. Both long and short side. No bias. Both ways can go. That is the only reason it hits so hard tho…..riding it together. 📐
That is that high I am talking about. 🌹 $SPY $SPX $ES_F