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Daily Stock Tips 06.11.24 - How To #GetSmarter

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Daily Stock Tips 06.11.24 - How To #GetSmarter


What a run, okay, so let's talk a little bit about why you do things and why you would do things. We bought CrowdStrike CRWD 0.00%↑ because we thought it would get added to the S&P, and it did. We nailed two in a row, okay? Now, if you bought it and you nailed it, and we took what? Two to 15 grand? Grand slam. We came out, and we've seen. I told you something on the morning call, and I tell you stuff every time. And I don't have enough time to emphasize everything. I give you information, and you have to pay attention. You're not going to the bathroom; you're not making coffee; you're paying attention.

I told you Enphase ENPH 0.00%↑ was at 120 at 5:00 AM, and it was at 124 when we did the call, so it was up four points. Enphase. So that implies First Solar FSLR 0.00%↑ could move. They move in tandem, okay? Actually, when First Solar goes up, Enphase doesn't necessarily go up, but when Enphase goes up, First Solar always goes up.

Okay, so if you bought CrowdStrike and you sold it and made this ludicrous amount of money like we made, then you go into First Solar, and you buy a bunch because you're playing with some profits. Now, if you didn't have CrowdStrike and you didn't sell it, you buy very small First Solar because you're back to building your account, getting profits, and trading with profits. First Solar has to get to 288. That's why you don't buy big because just because Enphase goes up doesn't mean First Solar goes up. There's an opportunity for it to go down. Do you understand this? This is how you trade.

I'm telling you, the dumbest thing people do when they join this room or any room is they say, "Oh, Sam hit 15 in a row, and he made $5 million. Whatever play he gives, I'm going to put in everything I own." Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid. I say it a hundred times: no account is the same. You have to go slow, and you have to learn how to make $100 before you make a million. That means you start slow, and you go slow.

So then we bought some SMCI 0.00%↑ , and that doubled, and then I sold First Solar. You make three points; you sell it. We bought Lam Research LRCX 0.00%↑ at four, sold it at eight. Once again, I would not have bought Lam Research at all if I didn't sell CrowdStrike.

Why? Because it's a $4 option in the 1030s. The 1030s were 55 points out of the money, but we saw it moving, and it was a good opportunity to move. But I like one to three, two to six, two to eight plays. I don't really love four to ten or six to twenty. I prefer the cheaper plays. So I wouldn't have bought those. But if you make 200 grand, you can throw 50 grand, 80 grand around. It's a different mindset. If you don't make that money, you don't do that.

Then we bought ARM 0.00%↑ , and it took off, and it's doing well. And we're right there. We’re back into First Solar here because this is day 11. Let's see if that works.

Things that people send me, both members and non-members, are fascinating to me. "Sam, the GME 0.00%↑ deal is done." Why? Why is the GME deal done? If GME calls you, Goldman Sachs calls you, and they say, "Oh, we're doing an offering on GME. We'll give it to you for $27," you're going to say, "hahaha, It's trading at 23, you dumbass. I can buy it on the open market for cheaper than you're selling it to me for." The only way this deal is done is if they're going to go sell it off at $20 or $21. Why they would do that doesn't make any sense to me. So sending me a message telling me this deal is done, maybe it is, but that means the price is lower. You can't have a stock price higher and do an offering higher. It doesn't work. Why would anybody buy stock from the company or from Goldman Sachs GS 0.00%↑ at a higher price than you could buy it on the public market? Really fascinating to me that people believe this stuff. "Oh, they did the deal at $35." How'd they do the deal at $35? Either the deal was going to go off at 60 or 70, and the stock was going to stay there, or it was going to collapse, and nobody's going to take the deal. Now, could they come out and say they're not going to do it? Absolutely, they could do that.

And then the last thing because I'm trying to teach you stuff. Every single company has to do a material disclosure. If there is something materially that's impacting earnings, etc., you have to disclose. If you don't, the CEO is going to get destroyed. His life is over. If you're a CEO, would you take that risk? You already have money. Why would you take that risk? You're going to disclose. So to say, "Oh, they're not going to tell you if it's done," really? They're not going to tell you it's done? Fascinating to me.


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Much love. ❤️ - AYNI 

Okay, today you want to see semis. See what happens with semis. Does Lam Research take out 1007? This ASML 0.00%↑ come back up? It went back down. ASML we bought at 6; they went to 11. Didn't sell those. AVGO 0.00%↑ has earnings coming, but AVGO is what you call stupid premium. I call this stupid premium. The 1600s are $4. They're $4. They're 160 points away. It can open up 140, and you're going to lose money because it's on a Thursday. You only have one day to trade it on earnings. Doesn't make any sense. Now, if he wanted to charge me 100 points away, yeah, maybe it moves 100, 150. Well, have you seen AVGO move 200 points? Maybe it does, but have you seen it? I haven't seen it. That's why. Why would you buy that far away?

AMD 0.00%↑ , look, they're saying Wall Street expects 6 billion in AI sales. AMD is guiding to 4 billion. Interesting.

AAPL 0.00%↑ Apple, OpenAI. Is Elon Musk right? I don't know, but here's what I know. If I'm doing something, let's say I do search or I'm saying something, and I say , I don't know, maybe let's go to the Caribbean. I guarantee you, and then just say it to somebody in the house, I guarantee you if you go to GOOG 0.00%↑ Google or Bing or whatever on your phone, Safari, or on your computer, you get an ad for the Caribbean. Now, they're telling you they're not spying on you. They absolutely are. Doesn't matter what you think, I'm just telling you. OpenAI is going to take all your data, and they're going to evaluate it. Everything you ask, theyr’e gonna look at. If you, for some reason, tell OpenAI to log you into something, they're probably going to have your passwords after that. Apple already does, and there could be hell to pay.

Now, maybe it's okay for you; maybe you don't have a problem with it. I'm just telling you. So Elon saying they're all going to spy. But let me tell you something about Elon. Elon is a funny guy. He's telling you he's going to ban Apple phones if they put OpenAI, but he takes all your car data. He knows everywhere you've gone, he knows where you drive, how you drive, the patterns you drive, and he takes all your X data. He knows everything you say. He knows your IP address. He knows everything. He puts ads out there based on what he knows. Do you think he's not selling it? Kind of funny, right? Kind of funny.

Okay, so that's all we have today. You got to see if you get a second day. Tomorrow you got the CPI, so do they sell into the CPI?

Look, I don't care what you guys think. I don't care what anybody thinks. I just don't. Sam is Sam. Okay, it doesn't matter. I don’t care if the CPI comes in huge, they're not raising rates. They're not raising rates. That's it. So there's no real bad news. Just like Friday, all these guys are like, "Oh, SPY 0.00%↑ 330 coming, crash." And they get the numbers they want, and it goes up. Don't be dumb. No matter what happens, maybe we'll go down 30, 40, 50. Yeah, possible. But then we come back up. There's no bad news. Now, how far up? That's a different story. Maybe we don't come back up and go up a lot. Maybe it goes down for a week or two. Very straightforward.

Okay, so that's what we know.

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SPX down 15. It wasn't down 15. Now it's 14-15. So one other thing here, guys, just keep an eye on this. Every single time the S&P hits a high, the next day it goes lower. Just does. SPX is down 15. You're at 5345, 5331, 5309, and 5372, 5400 if low CPI.

AVGO, 1472, 1500, 1551. Underneath, if they miss, this is at 1200. Not saying they're going to miss. IF they miss.

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SmarterTrading411 Options Trading Podcast
We ride this Wall Street fraud ponzi together. Both long and short side. No bias. Both ways can go. That is the only reason it hits so hard tho…..riding it together. 📐
That is that high I am talking about. 🌹 $SPY $SPX $ES_F